CB Free regulation special zone

Smart Safety Control

  • Chungbuk Smart Safety Control Regulation Free Zone

    Name of special zone : Chungbuk smart safety control regulation-free special zone
    Location : Chungbuk Innovation City and Ochang Industrial Complex area
    Period : 2019.8. ~ 2021.12.
    Operators : Chungbuk Technopark, Korea Gas Safety Corporation Gas Safety Research Institute, UPIO, Intuchaos,
    Quantum Sensing, Smart Sensing, Korea Information Engineering, Korea EXA, KSEC Co., Ltd., Parts DB Co., Ltd., CIG Co., Ltd.

  • Business concept map
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  • Main Content

    Project Name: (Infrastructure) Establishment of wireless blocking
    /control performance evaluation infrastructure for gas facilities and system improvement
    Business owners
    • InstitutionKorea Gas Safety Corporation, Gas Safety Research Institute
    Promotion contents
    • - Establishment of performance evaluation infrastructure for wireless gas
        appliances (blocking and control devices)
    • - Development and demonstration of performance evaluation
        technology for wireless gas appliances (blocking and control devices)
    • - Suggestion of system (KGS CODE) improvement (draft)
    • - Proposal of on-site demonstration technology and induction of test
        environment creation in cooperation with local governments
    Special cases Demonstration exemptionsDemonstration of performance (reliability) of smart safety shutoff
    /control technology for wireless-based gas appliances
    ¡Ø Related laws
    - Article 5 of the Liquefied Petroleum Gas Safety Management and Business Act
    - Article 39 of the Liquefied Petroleum Gas Safety Management and Business Act
    - Article 45 of the Act on Safety Management and Business of Liquefied Petroleum Gas
    - Article 12 of the Enforcement Rule of the Safety Management and Business Act of Liquefied Petroleum Gas
    - Article 60 of the Enforcement Rule of the Safety Management and Business Act of Liquefied Petroleum Gas
    - Article 5 of the High-Pressure Gas Safety Management Act
    - Article 17 of the High Pressure Gas Safety Management Act
    - Article 22 of the High Pressure Gas Safety Management Act
    - Article 9 of the Enforcement Rules of the High-Pressure Gas Safety Management Act
    - Article 43 of the Enforcement Rules of the High-Pressure Gas Safety Management Act
    - Facility, technology, and inspection standards for manufacturing gas leak alarm and shutoff devices (AA632)
    - Facility, technology, and inspection standards for manufacturing emergency shut-off devices for high-pressure gas (AA317)
    - Facility, technology, and inspection standards for manufacturing multifunctional gas safety meters (AA631)
    - Facility, technology, and inspection standards for gas cock manufacturing (AA334)
    Special cases Menu board type
    Regulatory exceptions Contents
    Article 55 of the Amendment
    to the Regional Special Administrative
    Region Act Special Cases Regarding
    the Patent Act
    Priority examination
    when applying for a patent
    Special Case for Act on Promotion of
    Information and Communications
    Network Utilization and Information
    Protection, etc.
    Communication equipment
    manufacturing license exemption
    Special Cases Regarding Article 119
    ¡¸Telecommunications Business Act¡¹
    Possible to use de-identification of
    personal information based on
    Internet of Things
    Business name: (R&D) Improvement of leak detection and development of industrial
        IoT-based smart blocking and control device demonstration technology
    Business owners
    • CompaniesUPIO Co., Ltd., Into Chaos Co., Ltd.,
      Quantum Sensing Co., Ltd., Smart Sensing Co., Ltd
    Enforcement contents
    • - Development of industrial IoT-based blocking control device
        and on-site technology through demonstration (UPIO)
    • - Development of active blocking/control devices based on environmental
        and situational awareness and on-site demonstration technology
        through demonstration (Intochaos)
    • - Development of non-contact gas leak concentration scanning device based on
        quantum technology and development of on-site demonstration technology
        for control/blocking through demonstration (quantum sensing)
    • - Development of EMAT-based solution for advanced leak detection
        and development of on-site demonstration technology for control/blocking
        through demonstration (Smart Sensing)
    Special cases Demonstration exemptionsDemonstration of performance (reliability) of smart safety shutoff
    /control technology for wireless-based gas appliances
    ¡Ø Related laws
    - Article 5 of the Liquefied Petroleum Gas Safety Management and Business Act
    - Article 39 of the Liquefied Petroleum Gas Safety Management and Business Act
    - Article 45 of the Act on Safety Management and Business of Liquefied Petroleum Gas
    - Article 12 of the Enforcement Rule of the Safety Management and Business Act of Liquefied Petroleum Gas
    - Article 60 of the Enforcement Rule of the Safety Management and Business Act of Liquefied Petroleum Gas
    - Article 5 of the High-Pressure Gas Safety Management Act
    - Article 17 of the High Pressure Gas Safety Management Act
    - Article 22 of the High Pressure Gas Safety Management Act
    - Article 9 of the Enforcement Rules of the High-Pressure Gas Safety Management Act
    - Article 43 of the Enforcement Rules of the High-Pressure Gas Safety Management Act
    - Facility, technology, and inspection standards for manufacturing gas leak alarm and shutoff devices (AA632)
    - Facility, technology, and inspection standards for manufacturing emergency shut-off devices for high-pressure gas (AA317)
    - Facility, technology, and inspection standards for manufacturing multifunctional gas safety meters (AA631)
    - Facility, technology, and inspection standards for gas cock manufacturing (AA334)
    Special cases Menu board type
    Regulatory exceptions Contents
    Article 55 of the Amendment to the
    Regional Special Administrative Region Act Special Cases Regarding
    the Patent Act
    Priority examination
    when applying for a patent
    Special Case for Act on Promotion of
    Information and Communications
    Network Utilization and Information
    Protection, etc.
    Communication equipment
    manufacturing license exemption
    Special Cases Regarding Article 119
    ¡¸Telecommunications Business Act¡¹
    Possible to use de-identification of
    personal information based on
    Internet of Things
    Business name : (R&D) Platform-based safety control service development for gas control and shutoff,
        and demonstration technology development for remote shutoff/control linkage
    Business owners
    • CompaniesKorea Information Engineering Co., Ltd., EXA Co., Ltd.,
      KSEC Co., Ltd., PartsDB Co., Ltd., CIG Co., Ltd.
    Enforcement contents
    • - Development of CPS-based safety control service platform for gas control
      and shut-off and field demonstration of remote shutoff/control linkage
      (Korea Information Engineering)
    • - Development of gas safety analysis system for the rapid acquisition of gas
      safety area data and field demonstration of remote shutdown
      /control linkage (K-SEC)
    • - Development of safety information management and predictive maintenance system for static risk management and field demonstration of remote shutdown/control linkage (Parts DB)
    • - Development of a device for parallel control/blocking of the system
      and multiple devices, and field demonstration of remote blocking
      /control linkage (EXA)
    • - On-site demonstration (CRIG) of gas facility risk analysis system that combines A.I and safety evaluation techniques and remote shutdown/control linkage
    Special cases Demonstration exemptionsDemonstration of performance (reliability) of smart safety shutoff
    /control technology for wireless-based gas appliances
    ¡Ø Related laws
    - Article 5 of the Liquefied Petroleum Gas Safety Management and Business Act
    - Article 39 of the Liquefied Petroleum Gas Safety Management and Business Act
    - Article 45 of the Act on Safety Management and Business of Liquefied Petroleum Gas
    - Article 12 of the Enforcement Rule of the Safety Management and Business Act of Liquefied Petroleum Gas
    - Article 60 of the Enforcement Rule of the Safety Management and Business Act of Liquefied Petroleum Gas
    - Article 5 of the High-Pressure Gas Safety Management Act
    - Article 17 of the High Pressure Gas Safety Management Act
    - Article 22 of the High Pressure Gas Safety Management Act
    - Article 9 of the Enforcement Rules of the High-Pressure Gas Safety Management Act
    - Article 43 of the Enforcement Rules of the High-Pressure Gas Safety Management Act
    - Facility, technology, and inspection standards for manufacturing gas leak alarm and shutoff devices (AA632)
    - Facility, technology, and inspection standards for manufacturing emergency shut-off devices for high-pressure gas (AA317)
    - Facility, technology, and inspection standards for manufacturing multifunctional gas safety meters (AA631)
    - Facility, technology, and inspection standards for gas cock manufacturing (AA334)
    Special cases Menu board type
    Regulatory exceptions Contents
    Article 55 of the Amendment
    to the Regional Special Administrative
    Region Act Special Cases Regarding
    the Patent Act
    Priority examination
    when applying for a patent
    Special Case for Act on Promotion of
    Information and Communications
    Network Utilization and Information
    Protection, etc.
    Communication equipment
    manufacturing license exemption
    Special Cases Regarding Article 119
    ¡¸Telecommunications Business Act¡¹
    Possible to use de-identification of
    personal information based on
    Internet of Things
    Project name: (Commercialization support) Smart safety control technology promotion support project
    Business owners
    • TP(foundation) Chungbuk Technopark
    Enforcement contents
    • - Liability insurance support
    • - Prototype production support
    • - Patent, marketability and business feasibility analysis,
        BM model development, marketing support
    • - Product and service certification support
    • - Support for securing site demonstration data and event data
    • - High-performance computing power support for data learning/analysis
    • - Support virtual test environment through gas facility modeling
    • - Operation of the verification preparation committee
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