Free regulation special zone


  • Concept of Free regulation special zone

    A system that eases lump-sum regulations related to new businesses faced by regions and
    businesses on a regional basis with the purpose of promoting regional innovative growth and balanced
    development by investing in regions and creating quality jobs.
    * Zones designated and announced by the Minister of SMEs and Startups
    in accordance with Article 75 Paragraphs 3 and 4 of the Regional Special Zone Act

  • Background

    It is a Korean-style *regulatory sandbox that allows companies with new technologies to research and promote
    new businesses free from regulations in the face of rapidly changing technological conditions. This is a regulation free special zone,
    which institutionalizes the region to enable commercialization, such as developing and verifying technologies
    owned by companies or launching new products. * Regulatory Sandbox
    It originated from allowing children to move freely in a restricted environment such as a sandbox for safety
    Introduce regulatory sandboxes in four areas, including industrial convergence, information and communication,
          finance, and regional innovation, according to expertise in each field
    * Industry convergence (Ministry of Industry), information and communication convergence
            (Ministry of Science and ICT), financial innovation (Financial Services Commission), regional innovation (Ministry of SMEs and Startups)
    The introduction of the regional special zone law regulation sandbox, which was promoted at the level of regional innovation,
          was merged with the existing regulation free zone legislation and passed through the National Assembly deliberation process.
    - Compared to the regulation free zone, strengthening the regulatory sandbox and expanding target areas
    [Comparison of the 4 laws of the regulatory sandbox]
    Regional Special Zone Act Industry Convergence Act,
    Information and Communications Act,
    Financial Innovation Act
    In common Apply regulatory sandbox Same
    Differences Application of menu board type regulation exception X X X
    Application by mayor/provincial governor Application by the company Same Same
    Non-metropolitan area Nationwide Same Same
    Tax and financial support X X X
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