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Business overview

  • What is Chungbuk National Innovation Convergence Complex?

    District designation details
    The Chungcheongbuk-do National Innovation Convergence Complex is an intelligent high-tech parts industry belt that connects the industrial complexes
    in the northern part of Cheongju to the southern part of Chungju, centered on the Chungbuk Innovation City (Jincheon and Eumseong),
    and includes new industrial complexes to attract anchor companies.
    ¡¤ Major Regions : Cheongju, Innovation City, Jeungpyeong, Goesan, Chungju
    ¡¤ Representative industry : Intelligent high-tech parts industry
    ¡Ø Semiconductors, electrical and electronic parts, energy, transportation machinery materials and parts, etc.
    ¡¤ Radius : Center near innovation city, radius 20km
    ¡¤ District designation : Part of industrial land in 39 industrial complexes and 1 innovation city
    ¡¤ District area : 14.4§´ (undeveloped district 8.8§´, completed district 5.6§´)
    ¡Ø Undeveloped districts : Total industrial land area of 13 industrial complexes (5 under development, 8 under planning)
    ¡Ø Completed districts : Sum of unsold industrial lands in 26 industrial complexes and 1 innovative city and intelligent high-tech parts companies

    Undeveloped districts Completed district Total
    Industrial land area Area of unsold industrial land Intelligent cutting-edge parts
    company area
    8,832,646§³ 294,100§³ 5,284,582§³ 14,411,328§³
    ¡¤ Chungcheongbuk-do National Innovation Convergence Complex District Status

  • Business overview

    Business name Regional innovation cluster development project (non-R&D)
    Project title Chungcheongbuk-do National Innovation Cluster Support Project (non-R&D)
    Host organization (Foundation) Chungbuk Technopark Policy Planning Group
    Business period 2021. 1. 1 ~ 2022. 12. 31(24 months)
    Representative industry Intelligent high-tech parts industry (semiconductor, electric electronics, energy, transportation machine parts, etc.)
    Region Cheongju-si, Chungju-si, Jeungpyeong-gun, Goesan-gun, innovation cities (Jincheon¡¤Eumseong)
    Business information Investment attraction support for cluster revitalization and capacity building, innovation network operation,
    bottleneck regulation discovery and institutional improvement, cluster development plan, performance management,
    establishment and operation of cooperative channels for global connection, corporate R&D planning, technology,
    marketing and commercialization support etc.
  • Enforcement system

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